Braywick Court School

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Admission Information 

You must apply for a primary school place one year before your child can start school. You will need to apply when your child is three or has just turned four. If you would like to request for your child to be educated outside of their chronological age group, this should be discussed with the Headteacher after an offer has been made.

Applications for places at our school are administered by the the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. Families must apply via Windsor and Maidenhead Council through their online form.

Applications for September 2025 are now closed.

Admissions Policy

Parents do not pay any fees, as we are a state school.

We are a one-form entry school, which means that we admit up to 30 children into Reception year. When full, we have 210 pupils on roll. When there are fewer applicants than places available, all applicants will be admitted.

If there is a greater demand than places available, places will be offered using the oversubscription criteria explained in our Admission Policy, in keeping with the School Admissions Code 2021.

Admission Policy 2025-2026 

Admission Policy 2026-2027

Tie Breaker

In the event that two or more children live at the same distance from the school the tie breaker will be random allocation, where the supervised drawing of lots by an independent responsible person of good standing will be used to decide which child(ren) will be allocated the remaining place(s).

Waiting List

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead processes waiting lists every year.

Unsuccessful applicants (including any applications received after the closing date) will be included on the school’s waiting list ranked in order of priority under the published oversubscription criteria, without regard to the date that the application was received.
Please note a child’s position on the waiting list can go down as well as up. For example, if a new application is received or if a child on the list moves nearer to the school, the waiting list may need to be revised. The offer of a place does not depend on the length of time your child’s name has been on the waiting list. Waiting lists will be held by the school for one school year after the year of entry, unless parents specifically request to have their child’s name remain on the list.

To understand more about this process, visit the RBWM website.


The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead hear appeals on behalf of Braywick Court School. Information on the appeals process can be found on their website through this link.

Parents who are not offered a place for their child have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. Your appeal should be lodged as soon as possible after receiving your refusal letter. Parents wishing to appeal should submit their claim online on the RBWM website.

The appeal claim should be submitted and reach the Clerk to the Appeal Panel, within 20 school days of the date of the letter confirming the decision not to offer a place.

Braywick Court Preschool Admissions

Preschool admissions are managed directly by the school admin team. We accept children from the age of 2 years. If you would like to register for a place at Braywick Court Preschool, contact us by email:

To note: attendance at Braywick Court Preschool does not qualify children for entry to Braywick Court School as places are administered by the the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.