Braywick Court School

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  • British Values

    We understand the importance of preparing children for life in modern Britain and promoting values that are central to 21st-century British society.

    The core British values are:

    • Democracy
    • Rule of law
    • Individual liberty
    • Mutual respect
    • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

    We promote and reinforce these values in several ways:

    • Establishing a strong school ethos supported by positive relationships throughout the school
    • Encouraging staff, children, parents, and visitors to demonstrate respect, kindness, and consideration for all
    • Fostering a learning environment where we learn with and from one another, nurturing the whole child and helping each one to reach their full potential.

    We acknowledge the multicultural, multi-faith, and ever-evolving nature of the United Kingdom and recognise our role in upholding and promoting fundamental British values. We adhere to the policies outlined by our trust, BPET, which ensure equal opportunities and prohibit discrimination based on faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or other similar factors.


    • Children are involved in democratic processes, such as school councils, school elections, making decisions at a class and whole school level
    • Our Behaviour Policy reinforces the importance of social responsibility and fairness.

    The Rule of Law

    • Children are taught about responsibility and the importance of rules and consequences
    • Children have opportunities to reflect on their learning, behaviour and safety. Visits from the Police, Fire Service and other key workers help to reinforce these messages.

    Individual Liberty

    • Children are encouraged to make choices within a safe, supportive environment
    • Children are encouraged to have an understanding of their personal rights and freedoms e.g. through our teaching of e-Safety and PSHE
    • Children are encouraged to take on responsibilities and be responsible.

    Mutual Respect

    • Our school ethos promotes the importance of mutual respect and tolerance
    • Assemblies, class and whole school behaviour expectations reinforce respect
    • Our PE lessons reinforce the importance of fair play
    • We celebrate and reward success, promote the importance of being magnanimous in defeat and participate in activities that promote teamwork and collaboration.

    Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

    • We aim to teach children to have an understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity
    • We plan visits away from school and visitors to the school so that we are able to broaden the children’s cultural experiences
    • Our RE curriculum ensures that children have a balanced understanding of different faiths and beliefs
    • Some of our curriculum topics celebrate different cultures, faiths and beliefs.