Braywick Court School

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Our science curriculum threads through our schools visions and values; to provide a rich and inclusive learning environment where children can become confident independent learners with a passion to succeed.

We actively promote a ‘curiosity culture’ whereby the teaching of science gives our children the opportunity to be investigative, inquisitive and challenging, raising valuable questions and in turn successful enquiry based learners. 

The awe and wonder of science is something that is enhanced through our teaching and learning. Where possible, we link our science to authentic outcomes and ‘real life’ experiences, giving the children the opportunity to see the working scientifically skills and base knowledge that has been embedded in their learning, being actively used within industry. 

Our science curriculum map has been designed so that from EYFS up to Y6 each child’s level of knowledge and skill base is built upon, strengthening and deepening their understanding of the world around them. By the time our children leave us, they have the scientific skills and knowledge that best prepare them for the future and they are ready to become global citizens.

Science Long Term Planning