Braywick Court School

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We believe school uniform fosters a sense of belonging and pride, and promotes equality between pupils. It also suggests that all children have the same possibilities and potential, promoting confidence and self-belief.

We pride ourselves on our 'Look Smart, Think Smart' philosophy and really appreciate parents' support in instilling this ethos in their children.

New uniforms shop: Goyals

We are proud to support our local community by working in partnership with Goyals of Maidenhead to provide high quality school uniform. You can visit their store or order items online. Compulsory and branded items of uniform can be purchased from Goyals of Maidenhead.

See the full uniform list.

Pre-loved uniforms

As a school community we really value a sustainable approach to school uniform. We have an extensive collection of preloved and second hand uniforms available.

The pre-loved uniform shop is ran by our Parent Teacher Association. Contact them at to enquire about individual stock or a uniform bundle.

PTA Preloved Uniform Shop